Commercial Exterior Cleaning in Regina
Revitalize Your Business Exterior with Exterior Cleaning Services with Sunny Dayz, your Regina Local window-cleaning dream-team!
We work with big and small businesses, and we'd love to add you to our list of happy customers! Reach out and let's talk.

Our work is as strong as our word
The Sunny Dayz team is prepared to provide top-notch cleaning services for your commercial property. We specialize in commercial pressure washing for properties across various industries and sizes, employing safe and efficient methods to tackle challenging tasks. From eliminating stains, mold, and debris on parking lots, sidewalks, to cleaning loading bays and more, we have the expertise to handle every area of your property.
Our commercial pressure washers utilize industrial-grade equipment with high PSI pressure washing units and surface cleaners. Trust Sunny Dayz for exceptional results and reliable service for your property.
Start with a Professional Commercial Pressure Washer
We recognize the unique needs of each property and tailor our approach accordingly. Our team of seasoned professionals is well-versed in assessing the ideal pressure washing method for your commercial space to deliver optimal results. Before commencing any job, our commercial power cleaners meticulously inspect every area, guaranteeing thorough preparation for a successful outcome.
Equipped with industrial-grade equipment like high PSI pressure washers and surface cleaners, our commercial pressure washers efficiently remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and other debris from hard surfaces such as parking lots or sidewalks. Our approach ensures effective cleaning without causing damage, thanks to the powerful tools and outdoor-specific cleaning agents we employ. Count on us to tackle even the toughest stains resulting from years of outdoor exposure with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
Our team is ready to make your property shine. Reach out to us today to request your free commercial pressure washing estimate.

Our Regina-Local commercial cleaning team works with the following customers:
Maintenance and Facility Managers
Small Business Owners
Rental Complexes & HOA's
Property Managers & Companies
Multi-unit Communities
and Condos
Government and Municipal Departments

Your Exterior Cleaning Dream-Team
Is expertly skilled and experienced in commercial window washing techniques.
Streamlines routine window washing for property managers and can coordinate communication with residents regarding upcoming services.
Provides a variety of commercial property services to reduce the number of vendors you need to engage with.
Attractive Businesses Get More Business
Elevate Your Business's Appeal with Professional Exterior Cleaning
Commercial Pressure Washing
Storefront Soft Wash
Graffiti Removal
Sign Cleaning
Increase Curb Appeal
More Customers

Elevate Your Business with Professional Exterior Cleaning
At Sunny Dayz, we take immense pride in delivering exceptional commercial cleaning services, ensuring an unparalleled experience for our clients. We utilize high-quality equipment to guarantee outstanding outcomes that surpass expectations. Our team is committed to tailoring solutions that meet your specific requirements.
We understand the importance of delivering impeccable results, and we approach each task with utmost dedication. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, we are confident that you will be delighted with the outcomes of our commercial cleaning services.
At Sunny Dayz, our goal is to provide extraordinary customer experiences, going above and beyond to achieve exceptional results. Contact us today for a complimentary estimate and discover more about our commercial exterior cleaning services.
How we wash commercial properties
Our four-step process means you'll always get the best results.
One of our technicians will walk around the exterior of your property and evaluate the surface area to be cleaned.
We’ll prep the area for cleaning. This includes taking any precautions necessary to protect your property during the cleaning process.
Our exterior building washing technician will choose the best pressure, oxidizers, and detergents for your property.
We’ll apply the mix, rinse away the dirt and residue with a low-pressure spray, and do a walk-through of our work.

Dirt and grime don’t stand a chance
If it’s been a while since your building’s exterior was cleaned, now is the time to act. You’ll be amazed at the difference just one building washing service can make. Our professional team is ready to get to work.
We have worked with the following customers for exterior building cleaning:
Property management companies
Multi-unit communities, including townhomes and condos
Small business owners
Rental complexes
Maintenance and facility managers